Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's Not My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To

Last Thursday Elizabeth B. marched into preschool and proudly announced that today it was her birthday. Oh the excitement!!! She got several special birthday privileges that day including getting to be first to choose her job for the day, wearing a special birthday crown at snack time, and choosing a prize from the Birthday Prize Box. At the very first privilege bestowed upon Elizabeth, several of her classmates loudly announced that it was their birthdays also, which was followed by "It's MY birthday!" and "No, it's MYYYYY birthday!" followed by tears. This became a repeated theme throughout the morning. Until one little girl named Sophie M. gave up on stating it was her birthday, folded her arms, and proclaimed that it was NEVER going to be her birthday. Over and over again. "It's NEVER going to be my birthday!" Tears tears tears. Oh the drama. All of this prompted Mrs. Singh to look at the class roster to see when everyone's actual birthday was. Our next celebration won't be until next month. And Sophie M. has to wait ALL the way until January to be the Birthday Princess. It's so hard being 3.

1 comment:

  1. LOL it's funny how it all changes given a few decades ;) Cute story!


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